How to enable jetpack for wordpress?
Due to xml-rpc attack we have disabled xml-rpc from our server side. But some common wordpress plugin need this enable. (Example: Jetpack)
XML-RPC is a ProblemSomething that bears mentioning here is the WordPress XML-RPC itself.
Unless you are using a plugin that requires using this now nearly ancient form of site access and control, XML-RPC is otherwise extra baggage that you need not carry around.
Given the utter lack of usage of XML-RPC throughout our client sites, the best fix for the current vulnerability, a great preventative measure against similar attack vectors, is to simply disable XML-RPC altogether.
Enable xml-rpc for your cPanel
To enable xml-rpc you can follow this instructions. Open .htaccess file from your cPanel and input the following code bottom of the file.
############################ Enable XML-RPC START #################################
<Files xmlrpc.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
############################ Enable XML-RPC END ###################################N.B: If you couldn't find any .htaccess file in your cPanel. You have to create it into your public_html directory. Also remember if you enable xml-rpc it can be the reason of your website security. So we recommend do not enable this.